Denver: Dr. Robin Teague – I am so glad to have found your service today. I tried to call 5 different services, to find someone to come to my home to end the suffering of my dear, sweet, bunny, Charlie. I wanted to make sure that it was done at home, so that his mate Matilda (Tilly) could be there with him, and to make it as comfortable for not just Charlie, but our whole family.
Dr. Teague met all of Charlie’s house mates, and was not rushed to do anything. When he went in to visit Charlie in his room, Matilda did not run and hide as she does with ALL strangers. I have never seen her stand her ground, but she sat inches away while he met with Charlie and while performing the service. That is huge!
Charlie was a very active, fun, friendly bunny that lived a good long life and will be sorely missed by us all.
As an aside, I started yesterday looking for a service. I was told by some that they do not have services for rabbits, others were out of town for te long weekend, and one another who never returned my call.
It broke my heart to see Charlie dying slowly, but it would have been too stressful for both Matilda and Charlie to be taken from the home. It was absolutely great, that Dr. Teague was the one to answer my call. Charlie could not have been in more caring hands.
Thank you so much for allowing everyone in the family be there to help Charlie (and me) at such a difficult time. My gratitude for the service you provided us cannot be stress enough.
Thank you from all our family! Jet, Tiger, Raven, Rudy, Marilyn and mostly from Matilda and Charlie.