“Dr . Prior compassionately and knowledgeably came into our home and changed the whole experience of euthanasia for me from a dreaded last duty so my beloved pet didn’t die scared and alone. Mylo was 14 years old, the most wonderful, loving, fun fur baby. I am heartbroken and will grieve and miss him terribly. He passed 12 hours ago. And I’m at peace because of this loving, sharing experience. To me it took the trauma out of this death. Dr Prior suggested that we include Stella, my other dog at the end by having her come smell him so she understands. We did and she sniffed him, came to me snuggled a minute and went back to her spot. I highly recommend this service for anyone who is in this position. It is humane for the pets and people. As a Therapist for over 30 years with one of my specialities being grief, if you have children that they are included. It could definitely change how they deal with loss and grief and prevent fears that often result. Of course talk to practitioner who you’re working with about your situation and concerns when making the arrangements.”