“It has only been a little over a week since our Zoey left us, but I felt it necessary to write this testimonial. Dr. Shields provided a caring, empathetic and safe space for her to pass. The devastation is real and he understands that. Initially, she lost the use of her back legs, but the next day she was walking normal. When I called Dr. Shields, he said “I think she has more time.” He was right and we got more than an additional week with her. Once she couldn’t walk for two days, he agreed it was time. He came right away, no waiting, no anxiety he got to our house two hours later. He tolerated her growling, scratches and attempting to bite, she was scared and that killed me but I’ve had to say goodbye to previous pets in an office, this was much more personal and better for her. I cry every day because I miss her so, Dr. Shields made this awful event that much easier and left us with a paw print and her ashes were returned in a timely manner in a beautiful urn. Thank you Dr. Shields!”