Bogey Dog euthanasia put down at home Chicago


This handsome guy entered our home and our hearts in 2005. We were his third – and likely last – chance out of the Clark County Animal Shelter in Las Vegas. Admittedly, he was an obnoxious young dog, but he always had a heart of gold. We took him on car rides and boat rides, to baseball games and cross country meets. While his back legs had been getting stiffer and older, he was still an extremely happy boy. Unfortunately a couple of days ago he became much worse. Diagnosed with cancer of the spleen, he was now in pain. We let Bogey go to the Rainbow Bridge – at home, surrounded by his family (human and animal alike) on September 28. We are grateful for the 14 years we had with him; he will be dearly missed. Until we meet again my friend, R.I.P.