“Buster” Frederick
The day we dread, 10/15/15, arrived too soon. Our beloved Buster could no longer fight the cancer that was ravaging his tired, little body. He fought a valiant fight. And he never lost his spirit, or his love for us. He was my ray of sunshine on many dark days. My true and faithful companion always by my side. His eyes never lost sight of me. He would talk to me all day long, and on most days, the only one who listened to me. He brought so much love and joy to us, and enriched our lives immensely. I so wish that he could have lived more than 15 years, 9 months. Though I know that the span of his life was a blessing, it went by in the blink of any eye, and was not long enough. I am lost without my little buddy, and wonder how everything remains the same when at the same time, nothing will ever be the same again. Until we meet again my beloved friend, I will always carry you in my heart, where there will always remain a hole left by your death.