Dear Little Lala
To our sweet baby, it seems like only yesterday we saw you on the top tier of the Cat Room at the Animal Shelter. You were so little and so scared. Lordy, you didn’t even have on an identification collar! Mommy saw you and said to me, “She’s kinda cute!” We picked you up and it was purring and love from minute one. When we put you down to go inquire about you, you jumped on the ledge of the glass window and looked at us with those big beautiful green eyes and meowed, telling us not to leave you. We never ran so fast to get you adopted!
For almost 9 years, you were always our little “6 Pounds of Love”. You were always the one to break up a fight amongst your brother and sisters, even though you were by far the smallest. You, always dashing up the stairs, three at a time to get into that guest bedroom, paw fully extended to the door handle. And, most of all, you were always, ALWAYS the sweetheart who sat in our laps for hours on end giving unconditional love.
Baby, we know the last several months were hard. Diagnosed with CRF, we did all we could to keep you happy, healthy and comfortable for as long as we could. You were always the little fighter! You took all the saline injections and the unpleasant mouthfuls of medicines and never complained (well, maybe a little). Then we would sit together at night by the fire for hours, you getting as comfortable as you could, always taking our affection and giving plenty of purrs in return.
Yesterday, December 23, 2010, it was time to lie down comfortably for the first time in months and let go. Our Pet Loss At Home mobile vet, Dr. Karen Twyning, DVM, was wonderful. She even said how proud and proper you were meeting her, your head up to greet her and accept love. We are so happy you went to heaven quickly and peacefully. At the same time, we were completely heartbroken to lose our little best friend.
Lala, it’s me Dad, back at work today. I can’t stop crying thinking about you, hoping you will come around the next corner or hop onto my lap like you always did. We’ve never been so sad to lose someone so precious, but we were never so happy as to have so many great years with you.
Rest in Peace Little Angel.
Mom and Dad