Orange Cat
My sweet Orange Cat was such an integral part of my life. He has been a vital component for literally the last half of it. I adopted him as a sophomore in high school and we spent a wonderful 15 years together.Orange was my greatest source of comfort through trials – I swear his sweet face and the way he would snuggle right up and purr so loud could heal anything. He never met a stranger – self-proclaimed “not a cat person” people would be instantly turned to cat lovers when they met Orange. “I would love cats if they could all be like Orange Cat” one said. He set the bar high. He had just the sweetest face and softest mew and calmest disposition, and was drawn to people’s laps like a little magnet. He was the gentlest, most loving little guy.Orange Cat left our bed a little colder and our hearts a little emptier, but we are happy he is at peace. We miss you and love you forever, baby Orange Cat.