Her wings were ready, but our hearts were not….Our sweet little cuddle monster, Pepper🐾💔🌶️ She knew she was so loved, the most beautiful corgi we have ever seen, inside and out. And so talented, winning blues at Agility Nationals and smoking the competition! There will never be another corgi like her. Thank you for all of the kisses. Thank you for the exciting backpack bike rides and fun brewery dates….thank you for all of the laughter. Thank you for teaching us that the best times are the quiet times just “being”. To have to lose both our corgi girls 2 years in a row is unthinkable, along with the first time we have been in the house without a corgi baby (15.5 years!)💔💔Truly the end of an Era. We will never forget the love and adventures. We hope you enjoy eating all the French fries and chicken in heaven, sweet girl. Dr. Holly, you are such a gift. Thank you for your kindness and helping our girl in her final moments. Pepper, you are loved. Always. I know you’ll wait for your Daddy and me 🖤🐾 have fun playing with your sisters over the 🌈 Bridge. We won’t be the same without you here…
BJs Red Hot Chili Pepper
…”if love could have saved you, you would have never died” 💔