It is with a heavy heart that I am writing to let you know that the infamous Husky/Malamute Rosie (formally known as the sister half of the Rocky and Rosie duo) passed away peacefully yesterday afternoon in my home on O’Neill. I have had Rosie since her daddy sadly had to leave her and his home back on December 28, 2016 – Rosie’s brother Rocky had passed last Thanksgiving and her mommy Mary had to leave months before Rocky, so Rosie came to my daughter and me suffering from many losses yet, she always had a sweet heart and tried very hard to do the right thing, but if you knew her, then you can imagine how co-existing in my little 2/1 must have been. Indeed, Rosie was a huge dog for our little home, but she did her very best to be the best family member ever and when our Chihuahua dog or kitty failed to come to her and touch noses, Rosie would cry and sometimes howl like a wolf – which I had no idea she could do! As most of you remember, Rosie loved to walk the neighborhood and she always received so many friendly embraces from you all, so thank you. Unfortunately, in the past few months her back legs started to weaken, so at the end, she could do little more than slowly and wobbly try to walk to my back lawn to do her business of which we gave her lots of praise. It has been an honor and blessing to have had Rosie in our lives and to all of you wonderful neighbors that have helped rescue those Wild Rocky & Rosie Runaways, bless you!