“Sadie” Schaller
I picked Sadie up from a pet store chain adoption center in Chicopee, Mass. in March 2005, when she was 8 weeks old after having picked her out from an internet photo. She was a fuzzy gray and white furball with a pink freckled nose and just what I was looking for. As she grew, she became a fierce cat to many (especially the vet) but was always loving to me and (sometimes) to my family. She had no problem hissing or swatting people who crossed her path. Then would sit and look absolutely beautiful. She sat on my lap every night for hours and loved to snuggle by my pillow many nights. Once she was gone for 3 days wandering our back woods, but came back. Once she flew down a flight of stairs, but landed square. She had a few UTIs and bounced back for another Christmas in 2015. So we thought maybe she really did have nine lives. But her kidneys gave out in the end, and we let her peacefully go on in my arms on December 10th, 2016. We stared out at the pine trees and the sunny sky together and I know she is running in the grass like a kitten again enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. RIP Sadie “the queen.” I will truly miss your happy chirrup and our time together on this journey.